The Upful Path(tm) is a wellness initiative that integrates mental, emotional and physical health using mindfulness, meditation, and somatic movement techniques. Our mission is to uplift, inspire and promote joy, harmony, positive energy, healthy living and wholeness.

Our Approach
Our wellness approach teaches others how to restore and strengthen their lifeforce energy through breathwork, visualization techniques, positive affirmations, sound therapy, somatic movement, and touch therapy. This signature combination of energy healing awakens the senses and attunes one to their own unique restorative powers within.
Our Technique
The Upful Path employs a type of somatic therapy called Quantum Movement Therapy(tm) developed by Celestine Healing Company. This unique approach teaches people how to regulate the nervous system and redistribute accumulated energy throughout the body. By synchronizing breathwork, stretching, intuitive movement, self-healing touch therapy and vocal toning, the results will have participants feeling euphoric, light, and free from any dense energy that causes pain, illnesses, mental and emotional blockages, or stagnation in the body. It creates a sense of harmony, peace, wholeness, and well-being for the mind and body.

Mind-Body Connection
Raise awareness of emotional, mental, and physical well-being
Enhance strength and flexibility
Boost sleep quality
Cultivate awareness of body positioning in space

Emotional Awareness
Reduce anxiety and stress
Enhance focus and attention span
Boost information retention and concentration

Emotional Regulation
Foster problem-solving abilities
Enhance self-esteem
Encourage safe methods of self-expression
Cultivate emotional awareness and sensitivity

Social Emotional Learning & Support
Cultivate empathy and compassion
Strengthen connections with yourself and others
Practice positive self-talk
Boost communication skills
There is a demand to uplift our community and The Upful Path will meet those demands using proven methods for permanent change.

Say Hi!
Have questions or comments about our wellness programs?
We’d love to hear from you! For general inquiries, questions, and more, please feel free to email directly at